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No. 46 - June 2019

14th International Congress on Rock Mechanics, 13-18 September 2019, Foz de Iguaçú, Brasil - an update

The ISRM 2019 is approaching and for the first time it will take place in South America, in Foz do Iguaçú - Brazil from September 13 to 18, 2019. The Brazilian Committee on Rock Mechanics, together with the Paraguayan Society of Geotechnics and the Argentine Society of Geotechnical Engineering invite everyone to participate in the most important world event in Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering.

The ISRM 2019 program will have 32 technical sessions, with oral presentation of the most outstanding works among the more than 460 approved articles sent by members from 41 countries. Poster presentations will also be held during the event. In addition to the technical sessions, eight keynote lectures will be presented, with renowned names of rock mechanics and rock engineering from all ISRM regions. In this edition there will be a special session, the "John Hudson Memorial Session", in honor of the memory of the former president of ISRM who contributed much to the rock mechanics development. Amongst the special lectures that will take place at the event, there is the presence of Professor Peter Kaiser, winner of the Leopold Müller Prize, and the presentation of the winner of the Medal Rock Prize, Qinghua Lei.

The event will feature special presentations by the President of ISSMGE, Professor Charles Ng, and representatives of Itaipu Binational. The book "Weak Rock Engineering", edited by professors Milton Kanji and Manchao He will be released at the occasion of the international congress.

Young researchers and professionals of rock mechanics also have an important role in the event: during the 4th Early Career Forum, 10 young exponents from the area, representing different countries of South America, will present their work with full support from ISRM, through its Educational Fund. There will also be the second edition of RockBowl International, which in its largest edition has 19 registered teams representing 11 countries, of which 16 teams will be selected in the qualifying stage to compete for the prize, ensuring the fun and technical involvement of a large number of young rock members.

Participants will be able to register in 5 short-courses and 2 workshops offered in the pre-congress period, covering a great diversity of topics related to rock engineering.

In this edition, in addition to the traditional meetings of the board, council and the 17 technical committees of ISRM, there will also be a meeting of the FedIGS Board.

The congress already has more than 200 registrations, and there are still vacancies for reservations in the hotel of the event at very inviting fees. We also inform you that the deadline for early registrations has been extended to July 15, 2019.

Sign up for ISRM 2019 and join the greatest rock professionals at this historic event: the programming is being prepared to make the event a great success! The organizing committee invites everyone to visit the page of the event ( to obtain more information about registrations, travel and ways of sponsoring the event.

We are waiting for you in Foz do Iguaçú!

Sergio Fontoura
Chairman of ISRM 2019.

Ricardo Roca, José Pavon
Co-chairs of ISRM 2019.

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26th ISRM online lecture by Dr José Lemos

For the 26th ISRM Online Lecture the ISRM invited Dr José Vieira de Lemos, from the National Laboratory for Civil Engineering (LNEC), Portugal. The title of the lecture is "Discrete element modelling of dam foundations". It was broadcast on Wednesday, 26 June, at 10 AM GMT and will remain available in the online lectures dedicated webpage.

Dr José Lemos is a Principal Researcher at LNEC (National Laboratory for Civil Engineering) in Lisbon, Portugal. He holds a BSc in Civil Engineering from the University of Porto and a PhD in Rock Mechanics from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. He has a long experience in the development of numerical models and their application in rock engineering. He has focused mainly on discontinuum approaches, having been involved in the development of Itasca's Distinct Element codes UDEC and 3DEC since the 1980s.

At LNEC, Dr Lemos has conducted research on the modelling of various geomechanical and structural problems, and has been involved in safety assessment studies for concrete arch dams, their foundations and underground works. He was Head of the Numerical Modelling Division (2002-2010) and of the Concrete Dams Department (2010-2013). His current research interests, besides rock mechanics modelling, include the application of DEM to examine the dynamics of other types of blocky structures, namely historical masonry.

Previous ISRM Online Lectures were given by Wulf Schubert, John Hudson, Pierre Duffaut, Eduardo Alonso, John Read, Herbert Einstein, Shunsuke Sakurai, Resat Ulusay, Dick Stacey, Jean Sulem, Nick Barton, Ove Stephansson, Peter Kaiser, Walter Wittke, Nielen van der Merwe, Giovanni Barla, Charles Fairhurst, Marc Panet, Xia-Ting Feng, Milton Kanji, Laura Pyrak-Nolte, Håkan Stille, Maurice Dusseault, Claudio Ollala and Derek Martin.

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EUROCK2020 in Trondheim, Norway, the 2020 ISRM International Symposium

More than 30 nationalities are so far represented in the received Abstracts for EUROCK 2020, demonstrating the true international nature of the ISRM International Symposia. Our Scientific Committee is currently working at full capacity to review the abstracts received so far, which by the start of June counted 282 submittals. The Scientific Committee Chair, Professor Charlie C. Li, is very satisfied with the contributions, covering all the Symposium Themes. The Organizing Committee have decided to allow a brief extension of the Abstract Submittal deadline, now set to July 2nd 2019. Please visit our website to submit your abstract.

We are very proud to announce the first four of our planned seven Keynote Speeches. The EUROCK 2020 Keynote Programme include contributions from the following researchers:

  • Intelligent monitoring and warning of rockbursts - Xia-Ting Feng, China
  • Support Design and Implementation in Difficult Ground Conditions - Managing the Expected and the Unexpected - Kathy Kalenchuk, Canada
  • New innovations for cutter disc load and face monitoring in TBM tunnelling - Robert Galler, Austria
  • The importance of stress measurements for unconventional oil and gas production and preventing injection-induced seismicity - Mark Zoback, USA

Should you want to learn more about Trondheim, please check out the official Tourist information at At this site, you can find an excellent overview of the local and regional attractions, such as the Nidaros Cathedral, Michelin starred restaurants, hiking trails, boat trips or tasting local produce.

To learn more about EUROCK 2020, click here to visit the conference website.

The Eurock2020 Organizing Committee

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Election of the Regional ISRM Vice Presidents 2019-2023

The election of the ISRM Regional Vice Presidents 2019-2023 will take place at the Council meeting to be held on 15 September 2019 in Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil,before the 14th ISRM Congress. Below is the list of nominations received.


  • Dr Michael du Plessis, nominated by the NG South Africa


  • Dr Suseno Kramadibrata, nominated by the NG Indonesia
  • Prof. Kiyoshi Kishida, nominated by the NG Japan
  • Prof. Sung-Oong Choi, nominated by the NG Korea


  • Dr. Sevda Dehkhoda, nominated by the NG Australia


  • Prof. Leandro Alejano, nominated by the NG Spain and the NG Italy


  • Prof. José Pavón, nominated by the NG Paraguay


  • Prof. Laura Pyrak-Nolte, nominated by the NG USA

Click here to visit the Vice President's election page on the ISRM website, where the videos and the candidates' nomination documents are available.

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Volume 21 - 2018 of the ISRM News Journal is online

The 2018 issue of the ISRM News Journal is available on the website. This issue of the News Journal reports the ISRM activities in 2018 and presents two technical articles.

You will find information about the Board and Council meetings and activities, the ISRM President's Address, the Secretary-General's Report displaying the evolution of ISRM National Groups and ISRM's membership in recent years, the Reports from the ISRM Vice-Presidents, the report from the Technical Oversight Committee with the achievements of the Commissions over the period 2017-2018, the report with the activities of the Education Fund Committee and many other articles of interest for the rock mechanics community.

The technical articles are the ISRM Franklin Lecture 2018 delivered by Prof. Hideaki Yasuhara and the Rocha Medal presentation by Dr. Michael du Plessis, winner of the Rocha Medal 2018.

The ISRM News Journal is distributed to all members in electronic version. We also print a few copies of the News Journal, which are available at our sponsored symposia.

Click here to read it directly on our website or download it.

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ISRM Board approves the new Science and Technology Awards

The ISRM Board approved last May the new ISRM Science and Technology Awards. There are two categories.

The ISRM Science Achievement Award shall be conferred on ISRM individual members in recognition of one or more of the following contributions to the progress of the science of rock mechanics:

  • making an important advancement of knowledge;
  • proposing and confirming a new theory to explain certain phenomena.

The ISRM Technological Invention Award shall be conferred on ISRM corporate members in recognition of one or more of the following contributions to the progress of applied rock mechanics and rock engineering:

  • development and application of a new equipment or testing system;
  • development and application of a new testing method;
  • development and application of a new technology;
  • development and application of a new material.

Both awards are given on a biannual basis. Nominations are by the ISRM National Groups.

For more information on the ISRM Science and Technology Awards click here to visit the Guidelines page on the ISRM website.

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1st Bolivian Congress on Rock Mechanics, 2-6 July 2019, Cochabamba - an ISRM Specialized Conference

The 1st Bolivian Congress on Rock Mechanics is an ISRM Specialized Conference that will take place 3-6 July 2019 in Cochabamba, Bolivia. The conference is organized by the Bolivian Association of Geomechanics - BAG.

BAG is a group of engineers and students of civil engineering who are interested and performed their career in Geomechanics. The association is nine years old and little by little is growing up and consolidating in Bolivia. The association has 35 active members in 2019, so the management board took the decision to organize the 1st CONBOLMER (1er Congreso Boliviano de Mecánica se Rocas) to promote the organization in Bolivia.

To consolidate the study and the interest in Rock Mechanics we introduced two special guests in the congress: Dr Nick Barton and the President of ISRM Dr Eda Quadros.

For more information click here to visit the conference website.

Ariel Bustamante
for the Organising Committee

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International Workshop on Underground Oil and Gas Storage (IWUOGS), Shenyang, China, 18-20 August 2019 - an ISRM Specialized Conference

The International Workshop on Underground Oil/Gas Storage (IWUOGS) will be held on August 18-20, 2019 at Northeastern University in Shenyang, China. It has been approved as an ISRM Specialized Conference. The purpose of this workshop is to promote the state-of-the-art theories and technologies on the design, construction and operation of underground oil/gas storage facilities.

The themes of the workshop include: (1) Rock mass characterization and geological mapping; (2) Fluid flow and coupling effects in rock mass; (3) Deformation and strength of rock mass; (4) Design methodology for underground storage facilities; (5) Stability and containment of underground storage faculties; (6) Construction and operation technologies; (7) Laboratory testing and field monitoring technologies and (8) Case studies and numerical methods.

This workshop is sponsored by ISRM and CSRME, is organized by ISRM Commission on Design Methodology, Northeastern University and CSRME Rock Engineering Design Methodology Sub-society, and is co-organized by SSEC, SEI, CPPE and CNOOCPEC.

Prof. Xia-ting Feng, Prof. Seokwon Jeon and Prof. Bjorn Nilsen will co-chair the workshop. The workshop will show the diversity of experiences by inviting experts from China, Japan, Korea, Norway, Singapore, Sweden and other countries. The outcome of the workshop will contribute the development of theories and technologies related to underground storage in the field of rock mechanics and rock engineering.

The proceedings of the workshop will be printed in two months after the closing of the conference. A special issue of the Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering will be published in a year after the closing of the conference.

Click here to download the conference flyer.

For more information and new updates of the workshop, click here to visit the website.

The IWUOGS2019 Organising Committee

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9th Nordic Grouting Symposium, Helsinki, Finland, 2-3 September 2019 - an ISRM Specialized Conference

The Finnish ISRM Group and the NGS2019 Organizing Committee welcomes you all to participate in the Rock Grouting Symposium at hotel Hilton Helsinki Airport on 2-3 September, 2019. Around every third year arranged Symposium gathers together not just nordic experts but also grouting experts from all around the world. The symposium is organized by Finnish Tunneling Association and Finnish Association of Civil Engineers.

Themes for the Symposium include recent developments in equipment, materials, software, analysis, regulations, directives; case studies in Nordic countries and globally; grouting strategies; groutability/grout penetration/grout pressure issues; research activities; and future trends, ideas and innovations.

Technical excursion will be arranged to the Suomenlinna (World Heritage site) subsea service tunnel. The Symposium is supported by altogether 14 companies and institutions.

The programme is available in the website and it includes 25 technical oral presentations from 10 countries and three keynote lectures given by Eivind Grøv Norway "Tight - research project on rock mass grouting", Thomas Dalmalm Sweden "Grouting design during construction phase in a client perspective" and Jari Heikkilä Finland "Successful grouting of West Metro" and one invited lecture by Mohamed El Tani, Lebanon/Switzerland.

The registration is open and the early bird fee is available until 2 August!

Click here to visit the conference website for more information and join us to exchange experiences and discuss the latest development and achievement in the field of rock grouting.

The NGS2019 Organizing Committee

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International Symposium on Rock Mechanics and Engineering for Sustainable Energy, 24-24 November 2019, Hanoi, Vietnam - an ISRM Specialized Conference

On behalf of the Vietnam NG of ISRM, VSRM, I inform you that the deadline of abstract submission of VCRES2019 will be extended to 3 July 2019.

The International Symposium on Rock Mechanics and Engineering for Sustainable Energy - the 35th VSRM Anniversary is an ISRM Specialized Conference and the 1st Vietnam - China Researchers and Engineer Symposium. It is jointly organized by the Vietnam National Group of the ISRM - Vietnamese Society for Rock Mechanics (VSRM), the Vietnam Institute of Geological Sciences and the Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics and Engineering, and co-supported by the Korean Society for Rock Mechanics

The goal of Symposium is to promote the exchange, transfer of knowledge and experience on Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering for sustainable development of this field in Vietnam.

Important dates:
Abstract submission: 3 July 2019
Notification to authors: 6 July 2019
Paper submission: 30 July 2019

The Symposium topics are:


  • Rock properties and testing methods
  • Tunnels and underground construction
  • Slope stability
  • Rock foundations
  • Application of new methods of rock mechanics in mining
  • Application of new methods of rock mechanics for hydropower projects, rock slopes, landslides, tunnels and shafts.


We are looking forward to see you in Hanoi and at the Symposium. Thank you for your positive response.

For more information click here to visit the website.

Pham Quoc Tuan
Chair Secretariat of VCRES2019

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YSRM2019&REIF2019, Okinawa, Japan, 1-4 December 2019 - ISRM Specialized Conference

The Japanese Society for Rock Mechanics cordially invite you all to "YSRM 2019: The 5th ISRM Young Scholars' Symposium on Rock Mechanics & REIF 2019: International Symposium on Rock Engineering for Innovative Future". We have accepted over 230 abstracts. We are looking forward to meeting you at YSRM2019&REIF2019 in Okinawa.


Scholarships for students and young scholars (under 40 years of age) will be awarded to selected applicants. Please note that the abstract submission is required if you apply for the scholarships. Currently, the scholarship selection committee of YSRM2019&REIF2019 is offering two different scholarships.

  • Scholarship A: Decent support (Partial airfare/accommodation and registration fee)
  • Scholarship B: Modest support (Registration fee and a little more)

Anyone wishing to apply for a scholarship should submit the APPLICATION FORM in PDF format with a CV. Please find the application document on the symposium website.

Young Scholars' Interaction Session

A special competition session, including prizes, will be arranged for young scholars 40 years of age and younger. This session is FREE-OF-CHARGE, but pre-registration is required. The registration period is April to August 31. Pre-registrants can receive special gifts on the day of this session.


  • Innovative Technologies
  • Conventional and Unconventional Energy
  • Investigation and Testing, Design, Construction, Measurements and Maintenance
  • Environmental Issues
  • Natural Disasters and Mitigation of Geo-hazards
  • Earth Sciences and Engineering Geology

Keynote Lectures selected from Young Scholars/Engineers

  • Ayako Kusui (Northern Star Resources Limited, Australia)
  • Ki-Bok Min (Seoul National University, Korea)
  • Joshua Taron (U.S. Geological Survey, USA)
  • Victor Vilarrasa (Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain)
  • Noriaki Watanabe (Tohoku University, Japan)
  • Wancheng Zhu (Northeastern University, China)

Important Dates

  • Extended Abstract (2-6 pages in length) and Scholarship Application Submission Deadline: August 10, 2019.
  • Notification of Extended Abstract Acceptance: September 30, 2019.

For more information click here to visit the conference website.

The YSRM2019&REIF2019 Organizing Committee

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3rd ICITG, Guimarães, Portugal, 29 Sep. to 2 Oct. 2019 – June update

The 3rd International Conference on Information Technology in Geo-Engineering (3rd ICITG) is organised in the framework of the activities of the Joint Technical Committee 2 (JTC2) on "Representation of Geo-Engineering Data" of the Federation of International Geo-Engineering Societies (FedIGS), by the Portuguese Geotechnical Society (SPG) and the University of Minho (UM).

This conference aims to address the most updated developments in information communication and technologies in geo-engineering. The main themes are:

  • Data exchange (including ownership/legal aspects);
  • Use of Information and communications technologies (ICT) in laboratory and field works;
  • Big data and databases; Data mining and data science;
  • Imaging technologies;
  • Building information modeling (BIM) applied to geo-structures;
  • Artificial intelligence;
  • Intelligent constructions;
  • Optimization systems;
  • Virtual reality and augmented reality;
  • Intelligent geo-synthetics and health systems;
  • Sensors and monitoring;
  • Asset management;
  • Case studies in design, constructions and maintenance.

All accepted papers will be published by Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering and further submitted for indexing by Scopus and Web of Science.

For more information visit the conference website:

On behalf of the organizing committee I am honored to invite you to the 3rd ICITG in the City of Guimarães, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

António Gomes Correia
Chairman of the 3rd ICITG

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ISRM Sponsored meetings

Click here to go to the ISRM Sponsored Conferences page on the ISRM website.

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© 2019 ISRM; Newsletter Editor: Luís Lamas; Webmaster: Ricardo Resende
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